News Release
idverde Denmark’s Subsidiary Malmos Wins Climate Landscape Project Bid
idverde’s Danish subsidiary Malmos Landskaber has been awarded the contract to upgrade one of Copenhagen’s largest residential areas, Remisevængerne and Hørgården 1 & 2 on Amager, as part of a pioneering and extensive landscape and construction project.
The contract will focus on water and climate adaptation as well as adding value to local residents through aesthetic and functional solutions that improve everyday life. The scope of work includes sewage separation, sustainable drainage systems and green infrastructure, improving the area’s biodiversity and recreational value.
The project is for Boligforeningen 3B and KAB (Københavns Almindelige Boligselskab), a large housing association, and will run over the next 4-5 years with a budget of over DKK 350 million kroner.
As the need for more climate resilient cities and local areas grow, idverde is investing more to be able to provide the most robust nature-based solutions to large projects throughout Denmark and the rest of Europe.
“Malmos is respected by landscape architects, customers and partners across Denmark, said Morten Dohrmann Hansen, idverde Denmark’s CEO. ‘‘When combining additional expertise from all of the Danish subsidiaries in idverde, we are able to provide better and more extensive solutions to meetlarger cities’ major climate challenges. We approach our projects with pride and humility, encompassing the services and requirements to create small improvements for large scaled contracts, as well as the smaller projects we carry out every day. This contract will be a big challenge, but we have the skills and the passion to take on the responsibility.”

Hørgården Fællespladsen
Hørgården Fællespladsen - common space pool area
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